Saturday, February 28, 2015

March 2015 Meeting Agenda

March Agenda

1. IMQG Logo Ideas - can be hand drawn
2. Modern quilt design inspiration - bring pictures from online or from magazine (there is confusion whether or not this should be for the March or April meeting) Bring them if you got them
3. Demo on paper-piecing from Lauree!!!!
4. Pictures from QuiltCon - way too cool for words!
5. Update on Starry Night quilt and Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center
6. Survey Report - click here
7. Old Business - ongoing challenges, contests, etc
8. New Business - ideas for the rest of the year from co-program chairs
9. Show-n-Tell

Reminder: April's meeting will be the SECOND Sunday in April due to Easter. Date: April 12th.

Upcoming Shows in Region

Corning Quilt Guild March 21 (9-5) and March 22 (11-4) Corning Country Club

Genesee Valley Quilt Guild June 5 – 7, 2015 RIT

Oh Susannah’s presents Quilts, Vines, and Finger lakes Wines - August 22 &23, 2015

Gmeiner Art and Cultural Center – Juried Modern Quilt Show September 2015

Tompkins County Quilt Guild  Show : Traditions and Beyond -  October 2,3, & 4, 2015

February Meeting Minutes

IMQG MEETING NOTES                                                                  FEBRUARY 1, 2015


  1. Breach of protocol: Angie R. shows her amazing quilts, leaves to beat the storm

  1. Technology: some difficulties in accessing all avenues, officers will meet and work out glitches
  2. IMQG Logo-any ideas to update, modernize (No)
How about a contest-Bonnie S. offers 4 of her beautiful buttons, and maybe more from Guild.  Bonnie (Grand Duchess of Contests) offers to be in charge, will roll out details in April.
  1. To access email addresses of IMQG members, go to IMQG blog
  2. Assignment: find quilts that look “Modern”, will hold off till April, no projector for use this month. Bring photos, magazines, books, etc. to view and discuss what is modern and why
  3. April again: blog posting demonstration
  4. Meeting minutes to be posted soon after meeting to keep all members informed
  5. DEMONSTRATION BY PAT M.: How to put anything into a quilt (inset). Pat will provide written instructions
  6. Donating Starry Night to Schweinfurth Art Center, suggest raffle to benefit scholarship fund in memory of Barbara
  7. Thank you for Quilter’s Corner staff: Lauree purchased gift certificate to Panera, did not present it yet.
  8. Dues are due ($25) if you have not paid yet, Sarah thinks about 25 members, Sarah will clean up email list for members only
  1. Retreat at Watson Homestead March 13-15, 2015, $129.60. Contact Bonnie Scott if you are interested
  2. Retreat at Casowasco Retreat Center March 19-22, cost varies from $166 to $222. Contact Cheryl Moore for More info:
  3. Bonnie Scott: spring clean out sewers (not sewers, those who sew) sale in Odessa, NY. Bonnie will let us know more.
-Modern Quilt Show in Wellsboro PA, Sept. 6-27. Juried show, Entries due by July 15. Check past Facebook posting from Anya for more info.
-O’Susanna’s Quilt Shop show in Watkins Glen in August, Check O’Susanna’s Quilt Shop website for info.
-Tompkins County Quilters Guild Traditions and Beyond Show first weekend in October. Check for more info.
-Other venues for displaying quilts: Quilters Corner, Sarah’s Patisserie, Gimme Coffee, First Fridays in Ithaca.
      5. Survey results: Pat will share online       
Group Challenge
Traditional Block made modern
24” horizontal dimension, vertical dimension up to you
Must be quilted by the maker
Must use some fabric from Charity Group Challenge-Cheryl will bring fabric to next meeting-colors are teal, white, light gray, robin’s egg blue, lime green, tiny bit of magenta
Deadline is June 2015   

Show and tell to wrap up the meeting

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February IMQG Agenda

1. IMQG technology options—any questions?
Instagram: ITHACAMQG

Facebook: Ithaca Modern Quilt Guild
Twitter: ?

2. New IMQG Logo—look at posted designs, we will vote on one in March

3. Program Survey Results—Pat and Naomi will present these (You can still take the survey here:

4. Inspirational Modern Quilts—NOTE: You can either post an image on the Facebook page, email a picture to Pat to post (, or bring a picture to show in the meeting on Sunday.

5. Demonstration on inserting circles and other shapes—Pat will lead this

Old Business
1. Donation of “Starry Night” to the Scweinfurth in memory of Barbara Feldman
2. IMQG thank-you gift certificate (%50 from Panera) to Quilters’ Corner
3. Block Swap: Finsh up your blocks and/or return the fabric to the respective owners

New Business

Show and Tell