Saturday, November 1, 2014

November IMQG Meeting Agenda

It's that time of year to vote for officers of IMQG
President Lauree Myler, 
Vice President Kim Stone, 
Treasurer Sarah Demo, 
Secretary Terri Fendya, 
Program CoChairs Pat Merkle/Naomi Raimon

Scrap bag/block exchange - hopefully everyone has given out all of their bags of scraps, now we just have to get them all finished. Can't wait to see what everyone will make with them

How to resize a quilt block pattern - a short exercise to take the confusion out of resizing (smaller or larger).

What is trending in Modern Quilting: update from Cyndi Larson Slothower, fresh from Quilt Market

MQG Charity Challenge Quilt  -- what happened at the first design meeting. (see note below, if you would like to participate in the creation).

Halloween Postcard - show and tell - seen several of them on our FaceBook page. AMAZING!

Show and Tell
Note: Anyone wishing to work on the MQG Charity quilt, please join us at Noon to cut fabric and talk about the next steps.